
Counselling Ministries

“Bear one another's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

Are you called to be a guide, counsellor or friend to the Catholic community? Have you been blessed with the gift of giving comfort, support, and wisdom to others?

Here are some ministries to consider:

  • Baptismal Preparation Team Member
  • Bereavement Team Member
  • Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion of the Sick to Homes - Institutions
  • Lay Pastoral Visitor
  • Marriage Preparation Facilitator
  • Mothers Group Leader Coordinator
  • New Beginnings, Peer Support Group Facilitator
  • Outreach Program Friendly Visitor
  • Prayer Group Member

Test Ready to volunteer? Please contact your local parish and speak with a screening coordinator to find out about volunteer opportunities available.